Monday, December 15, 2008


My friend Lindsay Powell came over last Friday and took some photos of baby Finn for me. We have been trying to get together since the day he was born. She had strep when I had him, then her kids got sick and her husband was on travel. And well you know how life goes, we both have busy schedules with the kids etc.. And its the Holidays with all its activities. Finally she sends me a message saying she can come over, and has to bring her girls. Which I have no problem with except, our power went out at 2 Am and its still not up. Ugggg.

So we brainstorm and say lets give it a shot anyways. I get good natural light through my back glass doors. And here are a few sample shots she emailed me.

This is a photo of Finn with a Hugh Blue bow I found in my house. We had some issues with it, the kids got a hold of it and it fell apart and I tried to fix it, then it kept falling over. lol. But look how cute he is with all that hair. Ralph got a little upset when he saw it. He just thought it was wrong to do this to a boy. Sorry Babe.

This is a cute photo, look at those eyes. Right now they are deep gray. We are still wondering what color they are going to be.

ere is a photo of Finnegan in Ralph's chair. It was his mothers, so it is special to him. Finnegan is wrapped in the blanket I bought in Ireland for him while I was pregnant. Isn't this cute.

Well these are the only sneak peeks of the photos she took for me. Soon I will have the rest. I can't wait to see them.


Smitty's Lil' Farm said...

Baby Finn is adorable! I love the story behind Ralph's chair. That is sooo cool that you bought the baby blanket in Ireland.

Smitty's Lil' Farm said...

OOOps! Sorry....AutumnRainDance is Elle's blog. This is Kim that left the message.

Anonymous said...

I can wait to see the boys. Sounds like everyone is having fun - it is good to be busy - think of how lazy you would feel if you had nothing going on but sitting around. Enjoy it while you can before you know it they are all in school and hanging out with friends and you are just a taxi driver.

When will you be heading back stateside?
