Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Welcome to this world...The newest Schmitz


I just wanted to post a quick update on our latest addition to our family. I went in Friday November 14, 2008 for a schedule C-section to have our baby. Everything went fine for me, but poor Finnegan had a little rough start. He was born around 9 am and weighted 7 pounds 5 oz and was 20.5 inches long. And as you can see has a head full of black hair.

Finn was having difficult breathing. I could hear him crying non stop, but he was very pale and was turning blue. They put him in the oxygen tent to bring up his oxygen level. He was hooked up to a few machines and was under the warmer to keep him warm. They ran several test to make sure everything was OK. Ralph got to see him and be by his side while I had to wait in my room recouping. They also took X-rays and came and told us he had a broken collar bone. And if any of the test come back with any issues he was going to have to go to the hospital in Catania. It's what no parent wants to hear.

Finally after more test and the Doctors monitoring him, he came around and was fine. His Oxygen level rose to normal and was taken out of the tent. He was brought to me finally at 6 pm with an IV in his arm and one monitor to watch his O2 levels and heart rate. I finally got to hold my baby. Poor little guy, they had a splint on his arm to hold the IV in his arm to keep him from pulling it out.

Here is a photo of the poor little guy, he had to stay naked with just several blankets wrapped around him and you can see the splint on his arm. I had his IV machine on one side of the bed and mine on the other. It was a rough first night, but I had great help at the hospital. Ralph went home late so he and Marcello could sleep in there beds.

They took another X-ray the next morning and told us they were wrong about the broken Collar bone and still waiting on the blood results to come back. But so far he was fine and was breathing normal. We were relieved. They finally took him off the IV and the other monitor. So by Sunday morning they said we were cleared to go home. Everything came back normal and he is healthy and fine.

I am so thankful to have another healthy baby boy, he is doing well. He is very alert and feeding good. Seb is a very proud older brother, he can't keep his eyes off the baby and says how cute he is. Marcello seems to be doing well with the new baby also, he smiles at him. If he hears him cry he walks over the the bed and peaks in and looks at the baby.

A photo of Marcello and Finnegan, he loves his new baby brother.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

congratulations.. he's super cute and I can tell well loved already :)