Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Spoiled......

Well it's that time of year and we were all looking forward to it this year. Ralph is home for the first time, Seb is old enough to go with friends and Marcello is at that cute age to walk up to the houses. We bought pumpkin's to carve and candy to hand out to other kids that might come by. This year I didn't put up any decor, just too tired and had other things I needed to take care of inside the house. And I knew I wasn't going to dress up this year being 37 weeks prego.

This year things were planned out different. Seb was invited to a Halloween party and they were going to go Trick-or-Treating together. And we also have every year the Autumn Fest, which they have carnival rides, booths of food, Trick-or-Treating for the kids and lots more. I have had fun the past two years going. But this year the kids night at Autumn Fest fell the same night our housing was having Trick-or-Treating for the kids. Which I thought they should have changed it to the night before like the other housing was doing. So we decided to not go to the first night of Autumn Fest and let Seb go with friends and we take Marcello.

The first thing I feel that spoiled Halloween was I tried to get Ralph to carve the Pumpkin with Seb as a Father and Son project. Of course I could have done it, but he needs to spend more time with him. Seb needs one on one time with Ralph. I am finding him spending most of his time with Marcello and not enough with Seb. It actually upsets me when he does this. For the past two weeks I have tried to get them to carve the pumpkins, and something seems to come up. Last weekend we had something everyday that took most of our time up, and Ralph has been busy doing other things around the house. But sometimes you just have to put things off and spend a few mins with the kids.


Well the day started out slow and I woke up a zombie, kinda funny saying that since its Halloween. I have not been sleeping well at all. And when Ralph woke me I was finally in a good sleep, I so didn't want to get up. I just wasn't feeling well. He said he should get off early, so I was excited to get things ready for the day and hope they would have enough time to carve the pumpkin before dark. I was just in one of those Blah moods, after a phone call I felt better. Seb was being so good and just sitting at the table painting waiting for it to be time to see if friends could play. Finally I let him out of the house to find Friends. He shows back up with a friend and they go up and play in his room, the day is going well. Then another friend comes over to join them. They all play great together and having a good time. I am trying to get Marcello to play in his room so I can shower and get ready for the day. Also Housing is suppose to show up sometime today, so I cant go anywhere.

The day is going fine, but I am not feeling well. Seb's friends had to leave and I let him continue playing his game on the TV since Marcello is still napping. Ralph calls to let me know he is still at work and doesn't know when he can get off. I start to get a little upset, because I don't want to take Marcello Trick-or-Treating alone. Then Seb does the one thing that is unacceptable. And I put my foot down and told him if it happens ONE more time, he will eat dinner and go to bed, no going to the party. So what happens, when its time to start getting the boys ready, he does it again. I will not go into what he has been doing, just that he is 7 and he knows better, and I am not going to tolerate it any more.

So I just break down, and send Ralph a message that Seb is eating dinner at home and is in bed. Not only is his behaviour keeping him from going out, but its punishing both Marcello and I. It is now 5 PM and I have to call the parent of Seb's friend and let them know he will not make it. Ralph calls and says he is still stuck at work and it doesn't look like he is getting off any time soon. I start to get really sad because I really want to dress Marcello up and take him out. I also really need to get out of the house, I have been cooped up too much lately with me being at the tail end of my pregnancy. People can think I am a bad parent all they want, but there comes a time where you have to put your foot down. This is nothing new to Seb, he knows what he did, and everything else has not worked. So maybe him missing this will help it sink in that this behaviour will not be tolerated.

So I just curl up on the couch, and wait for Ralph to come home. He finally makes it home at 730 PM. Marcello is already in bed so he cant take him, and our pumpkin is still sitting on the table out front not carved. This is my life story, something always has to go wrong. Normally I brush it off and move on, but lately, I am just giving up.

Marcello sad he didn't get to go.


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