Saturday, September 27, 2008

Proud of my boys....

Well, I gotta say I am very proud of both my boys. Sebastian has started the second grade this year. And Marcello is growing into his own little man, Amazing us everyday. I will be blogging soon on Marcello and Potty training.

Sebastian has come along way. I am so very proud of his progress in school. He started out strong in Kindergarten, but some how lost his way and started to have difficulties. He struggled through most of kindergarten and the first half of 1st grade. I honesty think the teacher he had in 1st grade helped in many ways. I started to see an improvement in him throughout the school year. He still is not up to speed on his reading, but I also feel to blame on that one. I spend as much time as I can with him on it, but I also feel I can do so much better. I also need to learn more patience with reading with him. I know he can do it, and just plays around at reading time. And that's when I give up for that day. But this year he has already shown great improvements in many areas. He has been doing most of his homework without help and correctly. I think its all coming together for him. He also struggled in the past with spelling, which is my weakness. But this year so far has made 100 on all spelling test. I am just beaming with how proud I am with him. I am hoping he will continue improving with all areas he is weak in and get up to speed with other kids his age on reading.

Here is a photo of the proud big brother with Marcello. Seb is 5 almost 6 and Marcello is almost 3 weeks old.

Here is one of my favorite photos of me with my 2 boys. I have this one framed on our wall. We are in Taormina and Seb is 5 almost 6 and Marcello is a little over a month old. You can see how little he was. And how much Seb has grown.

Marcello also has come along ways. He was born a preemie and we were told he would be delayed in motor skills and other areas. And they were right. He was late on everything from rolling over to crawling. Marcello was so small and was having difficulties gaining weight at the beginning. It made things more difficult on me during Ralph's deployment. Marcello was only 3 months old when Ralph left for Iraq.

A photo of Ralph with Marcello in Taormina. Marcello was 2 months old and this was taken about a month before Ralph left.

This was taken of Marcello about a week before Ralph left on Deployment. You can see the love in his eyes for his daddy. They did make a special bond before he left.

Marcello and Ralph about a week before he left. Marcello was finally becoming our little chunky monkey.

Marcello and I before Ralph Left. You can see how sad I was knowing he was leaving soon.

When Ralph left I was told by his doctor to do my own physical therapy with him. We did a lot of tummy and floor time and I worked with him for 2 hours almost everyday. I did this while Seb was at school so I could have one on one time with him. It was painful listening to other parents talk about how there kids were progressing and Marcello wasn't. I kept my faith and told myself he would catch up, and not to be too concerned unless he didn't meet certain milestones by age one and others by age 2. Marcello has been a very happy, giggly and content baby. He hardly cried and loved to be cuddled. His giggle and smile got me through all the bad times. One look at Marcello and all your sadness melted away. And I gotta admit, while Ralph was gone I babied him and cuddled him a lot. With Marcello being such a good baby, it helped me in other ways. I could take him anywhere and not be concerned about him. He seemed to love to be on the move at a young age. Already an world traveler.

A photo of Ralph, Marcello and I. Ralph just stepped off the plane from deployment. Welcome home babe, we missed you.

When Ralph came home from Deployment, Marcello was 9 months. He was just learning to crawl, more like belly scooting backwards. He could pull himself up to standing since 5 months, but wouldn't take steps. When daddy came home I saw Marcello eyes light up and something magical happened. It was almost like he was also sad while daddy was gone, and now the light bulb went off and he bloomed. He started to really come out of his shell and become more mobile. Before long he was crawling normally and started to take steps. It was almost like he was waiting for daddy. My heart just started to melt with joy with watching the love of a father and son. They made an instant bond, and it has grown stronger every day. Ralph got to see his first steps and him overcome other challenges. Marcello amazes us everyday. I thank God everyday that Ralph has been home to help out. I truly believe Ralph being home has helped Marcello to become the little man he is today.

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